Friday, 7 August 2009

My very first time

I am a total Virgin Blog and this is my first attempt of entering this bizarre world of blogging...

I don't know yet what I am trying to achieve and in which direction this online diary will go. It would be funny to see though...

In the past, I've tried keeping a diary but mostly unsuccessfully. In most cases I tried writing when I was feeling blue to get things out of my head. Now, I feel perfectly well and my spirit's high. However, I've been making changes in my life and maybe that new 'me' could have a blog as well. We'll see...

Let's click on 'Publish' and see what this thing looks like...


  1. I guess, welcome to the blogging world. Although, I am fairly new to all this as well.

    Writing about your feelings is a tremendously uplifting feeling, and I only found that out when I started blogging.

    Best of luck,

  2. Thanks a lot for that...
    I hope to keep updating frequently.
