Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Ea(s)ter Weekend.

I hope you all had a nice Easter break (for those of you who had one)! For me it was a nice long weekend, but not Easter. The Greek Orthodox celebrates Easter the following weekend. So, technically, for me, it’s Good Wednesday today, but of course I didn’t mind the days off from work. They were a nice much needed break.

We did organise a small gathering on Sunday to celebrate (don’t ask me what exactly)! We invited 8 people over, mostly Greek. Poor JJ had to put up with that. Unfortunately, he had to work till the afternoon, so the invitation was for early dinner. I spent the morning cleaning the place and cooking. I did food for more people than invited, as the custom commands. JJ prepared a potato salad the night before and I made a tray of red sauce baked meatballs, sausages, 2 chickens and a variety of boiled vegetables, salads, dips etc. When inviting people over for dinner, I can’t help it but cook for at least twice as many.

Now you can see the duckie, now...

The evening went smoothly. We laughed a lot, ate a lot, drank a lot. Among the guests, there was a four year old girl demanding our attention. So, we were taking turns to entertain, play with her. I really don’t know how people do it. Maybe I’m too selfish but I’m not sure I could have a child. For a few hours having one can be a blast. Permanently having one must be so much harder. JJ played with her a lot. The language barrier wasn’t really a problem. She’s learning now how to speak English and will attend a grammar school next September. However, that didn’t mean that she didn’t fell in love with JJ and his games.

I think that the guests liked our food. There was a lot of it left, but that was expected. The house is still full, especially with cakes and chocolates. We had bought some for the guests, but they brought even more. It was bliss though. I spent all day yesterday on the sofa with JJ watching DVDs and munching!

We had an extra reason to celebrate. Earlier last week I gave notice to our guest to leave. He was starting to get into our nerves with his constant whining, dramas and questions. He was by far the most tiring guest I ever had. I did allow him to stay a week more than originally agreed, so my conscience is at ease. He’s now staying at a hotel waiting to get approved to move to a flat he found. So, since last Thursday he’s gone!!! It’s so nice having the house just to ourselves again after three weeks!


  1. This I know, my colleagues Chris and thea still have a week of lent to go!

    1. I haven't done anything Easter-y this year like colouring eggs, fasting or going to church... I'll burn in hell...

  2. Was the non-rubber duckie hollow, or solid?

    1. It was hollow, but really rich and delicious... :-)
