Tuesday, 14 February 2012


 It sounds a bit like a STD, doesn’t it? I’ve never been a great fan of this day. Although it is nice to express one’s feelings towards another, pink is not my personal favourite colour and I’m not into heart shaped objects or teddy bears. I like ‘bears’. But the only thing fitting into the ‘teddy bear’ category that I’ve personally bought, was a small vocal ‘Stanley’ with various catch phrases like: ‘Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!’

I fear that sounds like I’m being very a negative person! I’m not! I just don’t want to go into a gift shop and follow the trend to buy something. I don’t think that I need to prove my love to JJ that way. So, I followed a tradition I started last year and baked him something. I found Pascale Lorraine’s amazing recipe which you can find here and this is the result:

We’ve been having slices of that cake every day since Sunday. Not because I made it myself, but I really liked it. JJ agrees. He’s been very sweet today too. He got some small chocolates with sweet messages and he’s hidden them in the house. So, this morning when I was getting ready for work, I was running across them. For example I found one in my towel, next to my hair gel, in my trousers, next to my Kindle, in my gloves etc. I’ve been munching chocolates all day today.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice Valentine’s Day whether you are in a relationship or not.



  1. Hiding little chocolates around the house is so romantic! I think I just fell in love with JJ a little :-)

  2. that's very sweet. nothing says i love you more than making an effort and putting in time! sadly mon c is away in tel aviv. i slipped air's new cd into his laundry bag. if he was here he would have made me something, of that i'm certain.

    enjoy ahoj

  3. Did JJ count the chocolates as he put them out? Or does chocolate even go bad? I probably shouldn't have done that with eggs that one time....

  4. Happy Heart day to my favorite Greek god.

  5. @Cubby welcome to the club... :-p

    @MadeInScotland that's sweet. I now know how things turned out. :-D

    @Erik Rubright. No, you shouldn't treat eggs as you do with chocolate. Different things!

  6. @Ur-Spo Happy Valentine's to the doctor of my psyche!
    thank you for the kind words

  7. That cake looks awesome -- a homemade gift for Valentine's day -- now THAT'S romantic!

  8. @Mike thank you. It was really tasty too. :-)
